Photo Credit: Phil Wayes

Friday, December 21, 2007

Peace on Earth, Good Will To Men...or something.

I finished a show with [Company A] a few days ago, and my dance ensemble's rep showcase is in two days. I'm taking a break from The Insanity to write this.

I got up at 6 this morning, ran to the bank, called the vet on my way to class and scheduled an appointment. Then I went to class with [another Houston dance ensemble] and took a barre from the wonderful LM. I took off after grande battements, ran to Fiesta, bought stuff to bake cookies; came home and burned the hell out of the first batch (whoops). Started trying to wrap presents/straighten up/pack. Made apartment messier. Ran to the eye doc, picked up new contacts, ran home, grabbed my kitten (literally), arrived at her vet appointment 45 minutes early and was out of there 15 minutes later. Spent the next forty-five minutes (FORTY. FIVE. MINUTES) making the 15-minute trip home. I hate you, Richmond Avenue.

Writing this = me catching my breath. Now it's time to load my the car for tonight's dress rehearsal... and burn CDs, bake more stuff for the reception tomorrow, write out paychecks, and do about 4 other things somewhere in between. Oh, ain't life great?

Okay, back to the insanity. LATER.

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