Photo Credit: Phil Wayes

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Swan Song

Hello, dear readers:
I'm sure you've noticed that, over the last six months, I have updated Notes From Upstage Left less and the point where I stopped posting altogether. There is a reason for this.

I am no longer dancing.

...for the time being, anyway. I know myself well enough to know that I won't be able to stay away from dancing for long. I want to continue to teach/choreograph/review performances, but I need to stay off of the stage for a little while.

Upstage Lefters: I want to thank you for being a part of my dance journey; for following me through two and a half years of dance and art and love and laughter. It's been a great ride, and I'm so glad you got to experience it with me. Hopefully, this is not THE END-The End; and that one day I'll go back to dancing and blogging about my backstage adventures. That is my hope, anyway.

In the meantime: You stay classy, internet.

1 comment:

A said...

This makes me VERY sad! :-(