Photo Credit: Phil Wayes

Friday, April 10, 2009

Blog of the Weekend: A Good Outlook

One of my favorite dance bloggers took a hiatus a couple of months ago. She finally came back, and the blogosphere is very happy about this. So that's why this week's Blog of the Weekend is:

Selly, the author, is a bit like me: She's still dancing herself, and she writes about the day-to-day issues in a dancer's life such as rehearsals, performances, pointe shoes, and workshops/conventions (also, she likes to snark about the Twilight series and she's amused by my Yankee accent, so you know she's cool). She also writes reviews and keeps us up-to-date on things happening in the dance world such as conventions, festivals, performances aand tours by major companies, and So You Think You Can Dance (all things that this blogging-dancer has been slacking on). You can check out Parson's Dance's upcoming gala and the St. Louis Tap Festival on Dance Outlook this week (and if you're in the process of switching pointe-shoe brands at the moment-- like I am-- Selly feels your pain. Someone needs to tell Capezio that their "Extra Strong" shank just isn't that strong).

I know I need to catch up with you all on The State Of Things At Upstage Left, but it's Friday night and this Butterfly has a date to go on. In the meantime, you should go visit Dance Outlook, because there's plen-ty of stuff to keep you occupied until I get back.

Have a safe and happy Holy Week, everyone!

1 comment:

none said...

Aaw, thanks! Yay, I'm blog of the weekend.
