Photo Credit: Phil Wayes

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Performance Recap Reamble

I didn't really have time to write about Friday's shows, so I decided to make a quick video in between my photo shoot and our call time yesterday. And okay, fine: I wanted to show off my spiffy modeling-hair before I had to dismantle it and put it in a bun. It's a little rambly, so bear with me (that's why I prefer writing over speaking, folks).

Thanks to Keyser for taking the video.... and for coming to the show Friday and taking E, L, and I out to dinner afterward. We all had a BLAST.


none said...

Omigosh. In my mind you don't have an accent. You do. That is all. Love the hair, by the way.


M. Butterfly said...

Haha, thanks! Funnily enough, the last time I did a video someone told I "sound Canadian," whatever that means. AWESOME. :) I loved the hair... tried to recreate it by myself but it didn't work. Moved onto pigtails instead. =P